Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What is a blog and how do you find my blog?

Can somebody answer that question for me?


kyle carlson said...

"Blog" is shorthand for "web log," meaning its basically on online journal. A blog can be used to share information, provide commentary, ask questions, make jokes, direct attention to an article or site you've enjoyed, or any other number of things. It provides an opportunity for those who read your blog to get to know you a bit, engage with fun or thoughtful information, and interact with one another, as well as the blogger, in the "comments" section.

The best way for people to become aware of your blog, if you want people to become aware of it, is to leave comments on other people's profiles to let them know you've created a blog and would like them to check it out. If you don't know of people with accounts, you can send an email, like I did, to let people know you have a blog and how they can visit it.

I'll also need to give you some pointers on your comment settings, because right now no one can leave a comment on your blog unless they are users. I'll help you with this later.

CW said...

How helpful!
I too have chosen option "A" (see comment on "gracenotes...")!!

Lindsey Carlson said...

Hooray! You figured it out. Now onto some serious blogging. We want JUICY details of your life!

Sweet Suzey Wright said...

I'm obviously a dinosaur who's trying to function in the 21st century. Thanks for the help, Kyle.